Chorus means “in unison”. It means working together. And that’s what we do at Chorus Speech & Hearing Centre. Our team works with you, collaborating with the other members of your healthcare team. This ensures that we are all working towards improving your communication health.

After many years of working in their respective fields, husband and wife team John and Bon-Hi Moon decided to form Chorus Speech & Hearing Centre to unite the passion they share for hearing, communication, and swallowing care.
What makes Chorus special is that all of our team members share the same vision and heart. Our goal is to see positive, measurable improvements in our patients by providing comprehensive care.
We want to see you happier and in better communication-health.
We will always take time to answer your questions and discuss our findings and recommendations with you as well as your other healthcare professionals.
If you have any concerns with your hearing, speech, or swallowing, give us a call and we can help you decide whether you should come in for a full evaluation.